Friday, July 29, 2011

Observation and Founder's Day debrief

Hi Scouts,

53rd Founder's Day Commendation and observation

I will like to express my deepest gratitude to the Scouts who took the time and effort to come down for the 53rd Founder's Day and its rehearsal. Honestly as a spectator, I could not hear any sounds or see any disruption during the whole ceremony as all of you were moving the chairs. The soloist part was also executed perfectly. The ICs were also very committed and had done well to prepare all of you.
However there are still rooms for improvement. This includes the behavioral standard during and after Scouts. The discipline standard has to be kept high especially so when you are in School/ National Events. You have to remember that ultimately you are representing Scouts and also Maris Stella High. This goes out to all Scouts too that the discipline standard has to be kept at a high level. The Seniors can go easy and informal with you, but when it means business, you will have to draw the line. As the saying goes: 公私分明
Overall i felt that it was a job well done. Give a round of applause to yourself. Rest assured, CIP hours will be given to you.

Observations in past meetings

I have noticed that the Secondary 1s and 2s has been forging new brotherhood. This is an extremely good indication that all of you has truly bonded. One example is during last Wednesday meeting, I personally saw 2 Sec 1s supporting each other (putting hand around one another) when they were given water breaks. (i think it was patrol 1/5). Also when they were doing the knotting games, i saw quite a number of you encouraging helping each other. Encouragement given on the blog chatbox are also very heartening to see.
I also saw sec 1s starting to bond with elder brothers (sec 3s). Sec 1s are also starting to display much respect towards the elder brother of Sec 2s and 3s. This are good signs.
Though there might be some incident which begs to differ the points above, I do hope that more of this brotherhood interaction (Mutual respect and caring) do appear outside and during meetings. After all, the unit mission is to create an inclusive, supporting, and encouraging environment.

Have fun during meeting times, only then can you be more interested in Scouting all together and things can be done more efficiently.
Have a “我要学” rather than a “要我学” attitude.

子日说:“知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者 (PLC should know :P)

Have a fun and enjoyable weekend, and good luck for you Common test!

Yours in Scouting,

Thursday, July 28, 2011

29th July Scouts

Good Day everyone, there will be no scouts meeting this friday. Take a break and have a nice weekend!

National Exploration Challenge 2011

Here are the teams and details for this coming saturday 30th july Competition.

Team 1:
Jordan Tok
Don Chee
Lim Yang Zhi
Lee Wen Yu
Shaun Chan

Team 2:
Teo Zhi Kiat, Mitchel
Ivan Tan
Daryl Chan
Franklin Chen
Lim Jaek Wern

Team 3:
Lim Fang Ding
Brandon Kok
Adam Lee
Linus Ng

Please be informed that we would be have a short session this friday 29th July frm 1230 to 1400 hrs. We would be going through a few things, revising scout law/promise, MGR map reading, general scouting knowledge (singapore flag etc.). Details of what to prepare and a short briefing of whats happening that day and their scoring system would be told to you guys too.

Each team are suppose to have:
Silva Compass
String (measure map distance)

Each scout is suppose to have their EZ-link cards topped up to at least $10. Please borrow a poncho if you do not have one.

Reporting time on Saturday would be 0710 hrs outside scout den, please bring the necessary equipment each group should have and DO NOT be late! Attire would be PT kit 2 and bring along your unit scarf with woggle.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Donation Draw 2011

All Scouts are to submit their Donation Draw tickets to Your respective PLs by this Friday.
Sell as many booklets as possible as subsidies for future events depends on this.
You can buy your own booklet if you really have no more people to sell to.
Do note that the obtain the badge, one must sell finish all his booklets to be awarded the badge.

We expect all of you to be able to submit the booklets on time to your PLs (either before or after School)

Lastly good luck on selling your booklets.

Yours in Scouting,

29th June 2011 Founder's Day

Attendance taking
Attire: School Uniform
Time: 12:10 pm
Reporting Venue: Den

Keith, Daren, Hans, Ming Wen, Oh Jun Rong are reminded to meet at Shaw hall at 12:10 pm for a short briefing with teachers

Founder's Day itself
Attire: Half Uniform (Unit T-shirt with Scout Pants, Black Shoes, Scout Socks)
Time: 3:30 pm
Reporting Venue: Shaw Hall

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Hi fellow brothers, good day! As many of you might have known, the KTM trip has been cancelled and thus scouts meeting would go on as usual.
Fall in: 1415hrs
Attire: PT kit 1
Time: 1415hrs - 1730hrs

1415-1430 :
Fall In
1430-1615: Patrol Activities
Patrol 1: Knotting
Patrol 2: Knotting
Patrol 3: Games
Patrol 4: Backwoodsmen (Test)
Patrol 5: Knotting
Patrol 6: Games
1615-1645: Physical Training
1645-1715: Collection of Donation draw tickets
1715-1730: Dismissal

Scouts are reminded to bring their donation draw tickets for collection tomorrow. Please hand it up to your respective PLs, your PLs would know what has to be done. Also be reminded that PT Kit 1 is your unit singlet with scouts, socks black shoes PE pants.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Wednesday 27th Meeting Schedule

Good day everyone, for this wednesday 27th July scout meeting, our unit would be heading to the KTM Railway station. This would be a field trip cum outing for all scouts and also a chance to bond with other scouts.

Consent forms would be issued to all scouts via your respective patrol PLs. PLEASE get this consent form signed and bring it on wednesday meeting. You would not be allowed to go for this trip if you do not submit the form.

Attire would be PT KIT 2. Please be reminded to also bring your water bottles along to keep yourself hydrated. Fall in time would be as usual at 2:15pm outside scout den. Dismissal would be at school at 7:00pm. Kindly make arrangements!

We strongly encourage all to come as the KTM railway station would be closing down real soon and you would not want to miss this chance going there with your fellow scouts.

Lee Wen Yu

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Founder's Day Rehearsal - Wednseday, 27/7/2011

The details for this coming Wednesday's founder's day rehearsal are as follows:

Attire: PT kit 1
Time: 2:25 pm
Reporting Venue: Shaw Hall

Please be in the proper attire. Have your lunch first before going to reporting to the Shaw Hall by 2.25 pm. This rehearsal will be longer than the previous one as it includes dry-run of prize presentation and all the other stuff.




A reminder to all.

Attendance for Term 1 and Term 2 will be finalized tomorrow (22nd July 2011). Please click on the following link to check on your attendance:

Approach SPL Daryl Chan if there's an error in your attendance.

Approach the teacher in charge of your level to submit supporting documents or to clarify your absence.

Sec 1: Mdm Lim Peiying (Science Department - Physics)
Sec 2: Mdm Maureen Tan (PE & Aesthetics - Home Economics)
Sec 3: Mdm Nurdiana (English Department)
Sec 4: Mr Low Tung Mun (Humanities Department - Geography)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

SS theory Paper 2011


Important things to study for SS theory paper 2011 this Friday Meeting:

i) National Flag, Anthem, and Pledge
a. Know the meaning of the various symbols and colours of the National Flag
b.Explain the meaning of the National Anthem
c. Have an Understanding of the Pledge and how a Scout can do his part as a citizen in keeping the pledge.

ii) Exploration
a. Have Knowledge of Highway and Country Codes
b. Know the road Safety rules for pedestrians and cyclist
c. Know the theory on Map and Compass, including Map Grid Reference (MGR), Scales and Signs, Symbols in Maps, Compass Bearings and directions, and Setting a Map

iii) Camping
a.Know how to pack a rucksack efficiently for a hike and for a weekend outdoor camp and to waterproof it.
b.Read up on your campcraft, including 6-men ridge tent components like uprights, flysheets etc.
c. Be knowledgeable on how to build a 6- men ridge tent and its equipments.

Scouts can read up all of the above components from the Training Manual.
*hint: all of the topics are group together in their respective components
Please study for the test as it is a major component in your Scout Standard. Clearing 3 components ( 9 sub components ) if you pass it
Scouts who have any question can approach any Seniors or your PLs for clarification. You can do so during the revision time during meeting.
As the Scout Motto goes :

Yours in Scouting,

Friday 23th July Meeting Schedule

23th July Friday Scout Meeting 2011
Fall in: 1425hr at Primary School Field
Attire: Full Scout Uniform, Pt Kit 2
Time: 1425hr - 1830hr

1425-1500: Flag Breaking
1500-1530: Revision on SS theory Test
1530-1800: Scouts Standard Theory Test
1800-1830: Dismissal and Flag Breaking

Duty Patrols 5 and 6 are to build a 1-1 flagpole and erect it before 1425hrs, before meeting begins. Scouts who have yet to clear their SS Theory component on camping, exploration please read up on your training manual. If you have any problems, please approach your respective PLs.

Scouts are expected to have their unit badge sew onto their uniform by this friday. All Scouts are also expected to be in proper attire and be punctual.

As the Meeting would end at a later time, please kindly make arrangements if your parents are fetching you.

ASS/FCS exploration Hike
The Deadline for the hike report would be extended tp 27th July 2011 1415 hrs. Please complete your report as soon as possible and only ask for extension when really necessary.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Wednesday 20th July Scout Meeting

20th July 2011 Wednesday Scout Meeting
Fall in: Outside Scout Den
Attire: PT Kit 1
Time: 1415hrs - 1730hrs

1415-1430 : Admin
1430-1630: Patrol Activities
Patrol 1: Backwoodsman
Patrol 2: PAK
Patrol 3: Pioneering
Patrol 4: Pioneering
Patrol 5: Pioneering
Patrol 6: Campcraft

1630-1715: Physical Training
1715-1730: Dismissal

Scouts are expected to be punctual and in the correct attire for every meeting.

ASS/FCS Exploration Hike Report
This is a reminder to all that the deadline for the hike report would be 22th july 2011 at 1800hrs. I look forward in seeing each of your hike report and wish to see effort being put in and quality work. 加油!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Founders' Day Rehearsal - Wednesday,20/7/11

The details for this wednesday's founder's day rehearsal are as follows:

Attire: Half-Uniform (Unit Tee + Scout long pants)
Time: 1:50pm
Reporting Venue: Shaw Hall

Please in the proper attire. For those who are required to take the NAPFA 2.4km Run retest, you are not required to go for it, so please go for the founders' day rehearsal instead.

Adam Joshua Lee

MSHS Phantom Scout Feedback BOX

(Password check with your PL/APL)

As some of you might have notice, we have included a new Feedback box located below the chat box.

The purpose of the feedback box is simple:

To allow Scouts/Venture/Spectres/Teachers an outlet for them to provide constructive feedbacks to improve the unit, be it organisation or activities. Even special incidents that you want the SPLs to take note can be written down in the Feedback Box.
The SPLs will be looking into your feedbacks weekly.

Trolling, Ostracizing any Scout, and use of profanities in the Feedback BOX is strictly prohibited.

It is up to your integrity whether you want to make fun of the Feedback box, or use it wisely.


Yours in Scouting,

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Attendance Term End Closing for Term 1 and Term 2

Hi Scouts,

Please click on the following link to check your attendance for Term 1 and Term 2:

The legends are as follow:
1 - Present
E - Excused (Absent with Valid Reason) (will not affect attendance percentage)
0 - Absent without Valid Reason (will lower attendance percentage)
[Blank] - Absent. Awaiting explanation / supporting documents from Scout

If there are any discrepancies, do look for SPL Daryl Chan. Similarly, do approach the respective teacher in charge of your level to submit supporting documents for the meetings that you were absent for.

Please do the necessary by 22nd July 2011 (Friday). After which, all [blanks] will be automatically converted to [0] and submitted to General Office for the data to be uploaded into the school's system. No changes will be made to Term 1 and Term 2's attendance after 22nd July 2011.

As a reminder, the following teachers are in charge of your level:
Sec 1 - Mdm Lim Peiying (Science Department - Physics)
Sec 2 - Mdm Maureen Tan (PE and Aesthetics - Home Economics)
Sec 3 - Mdm Nurdiana (English Department)
Sec 4 - Mr Low Tung Mun (Humanities Department - Geography)

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

15th July 2011 Friday Meeting Schedule

15th July 2011 Friday Meeting Schedule
Time: 1415-1800 hr
Fall in: Outside Scout Den
Attire: Full Scout Uniform and Unit Shirt with black shoes and Scout socks

1415-1430: Administrative Matters
1430-1500: Flag-breaking
1500-1715: Patrol Activities

Patrol 1: Pioneering
Patrol 2: Footdrill
Patrol 3: Footdrill
Patrol 4: Gadget-making
Patrol 5: Footdrill
Patrol 6: Pioneering

1715-1730: Flag-Lowering
1730-1800: Administrative Matters
1800 hr: Dismissal

Duty Patrol for Construction of 3-2-1 Flagpole in the Primary School Field: 3 & 4
Other scouts are not allowed to participate in the construction of the 3-2-1 flagpole. Flagpole is to be up before meeting commences on 1415 hr.
Scouts fall in in your Full Scout Uniform.
Equipments for respective patrol is to be brought down before the meeting commences.

Scouts who are going for the Student Councilor and CCA leaders Investiture this Friday, inform your PL before the meeting. You are to be back down after the investiture.


Yours in Scouting,

Monday, July 11, 2011

13th July 2011 Wednesday Meeting Schedule

13th July 2011 Wednesday Meeting Schedule
Time: 1415-1730 hr
Fall in: Outside Scout Den
Attire: Unit Singlet with PE pants, Black Shoes and Scout Socks

1415-1430: Administrative Matters
1430-1630: Patrol Activities

Patrol 1: PAK
Patrol 2: Knotting
Patrol 3: Pioneering
Patrol 4: Footdrill
Patrol 5: Campcraft
Patrol 6: Pioneering

1630-1700 hr: Physical Training
1700-1725 hr: Administrative Matters
1730 hr: Dismissal

All scouts please keep 5th-7th September free for First Aid Course. It is compulsory, those who are unable to make it due to other commitments please notify your PLs before this Wednesday meeting.

Yours in Scouting,

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Passing- Out- Parade 2011 (POP)

8th July 2011 Friday Meeting Schedule
Time: 1415-1930 hrs
Fall in: Outside Scout Den
Attire: Unit SHIRT (not singlet)with PE pants, Black shoes and Scout Socks, and

1415-1430: Administrative Matters
1430-1630: POP activities
1630-1700: YOG certificates Ceremony
1700-1845: Passing-Out-Parade 2011
1845-1920: PLTC certificates ceremony
1930: Dismissal for Dinner

Dinner will be at Botak Jones at Toa Payoh. It is compulsory for all to attend unless special reasons.
download the POP forms at :
Submit by Friday
Remember to sew on Unit badge, your PLs will tell you tomorrow.
Make sure Uniform is in tip-top condition.

Purchase of Unit Shirt and Singlet
Scouts who have yet to purchase their Unit Shirt and singlet can do so on:
Thursday 7th July 2011:
0700 hrs -0727 hrs
Upper Sec Recess
1315 hrs - 1400 hrs
1500 hrs - 1630 hrs

Friday 8th July 2011:
0700 hrs - 0727 hrs
Upper Sec recess
Before meeting from 1315 hrs - meeting time of 1415 hrs

All Scouts have to purchase the Unit Shirt and Singlet by this Friday.
Unit Shirt: $10
Unit Singlet: $6

More details regarding the 2 attire will be made known to all by This Friday.
Unit Badge will be given to all of you by tomorrow. Your PLs will be going to all of the classes tomorrow during their recess. If you do not receive the badge, please come and find me at class 3B during your lunch or after school.

National Exploration Competition 2011
All scouts please take note, there is the National Exploration Competition 2011, which will be held at Marina Barrage on the 30th July 2011.
It will be an eye-opening experience for all as it will be a test on your Navigation, Observation, and Orienteering Skills.
Scouts will be hiking all around Singapore.
It will be held from 8 am at Marina Barrage to 3 pm at Marina Barrage.
We will be sending in 4 teams, each comprising of at least one sec 3, one sec 2, one sec 1, and 2 other Scouts from either batch.
This is very critical for us as this will affect the Frank Cooper Sands.
Scouts who are interested can raise their intent on this coming Friday. It is open to all Scouts, be it good or bad in Orienteering, as this experience is once in a year event. Lessons maybe conducted to those who are weak in orienteering. It is not about whether we win, it is about how much we learn through this competition.

Red Cross Standard First Aid Course
This Course is compulsory for all to attend as it is a very big component in your SS, ASS, and FCS. The tentative dates are the first week of September holidays, 5th - 7th September 2011. It will be a full day course. Please ask your parents if you are free on those 3 dates or any other dates on the first week of September Holiday by this Friday.

Yours in Scouting,

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Balestier Hill Campfire 2011

Date: 9 July 2011
Time: 1800-2130
Fall in: Novena MRT Station Control Station
Attire: Full Scout Uniform without Beret

For Scouts who went to Jamboree last year, remember Fahmiy and Edwin? They have invited us to their campfire this Saturday. Lets go there and support them!

Yours in Scouting,

Monday, July 4, 2011

6th July Wednesday Meeting schedule

6th July 2011 Wednesday Meeting Schedule
Time: 1415-1730 hrs
Fall in: Outside Scout Den
Attire: PE singlet and Black shoe with Scout socks

1415-1430: Administrative Matters
1430-1630: Patrol Activity

Patrol 1: Pioneering (Combine with Patrol 3)
Patrol 2: Pioneering (Bridge)
Patrol 3: Pioneering (Tripod and Signal Tower)
Patrol 4: Backwoodsman
Patrol 5: Backwoodsman
Patrol 6: PAK

1630-1710: Physical Training
1715-1730: Dismissal

Secondary 2s Scouts notice
All Secondary 2s Scouts stay back after meeting for an important briefing on CCA maze. It will take only up to 10 Minutes.

Passing-Out-Parade 2011
All Scouts take note, Passing-Out-Parade (POP) has been rescheduled to this Friday (8th July 2011). Fall in by 1415 hrs and it will last until 1930 hrs. All those going for the dinner after the POP are to submit your forms by this Wednesday. Dinner will most likely end by 2200, but Scouts are allowed to leave anytime.
It is compulsory for all to attend the dinner as it will be a rare opportunity to bond with generations far and behind you. Those who have difficulties please inform your PLs or APLs.

Friday, July 1, 2011

A Leader's Creed

All Scouts attending the Patrol Leader Training Camp tomorrow are to memorise the Leader's Creed as per below.

I, solemnly pledge that

when I am vested the responsibilities of a Leader

I will take charge of my buddies

lead with Compassion, Confidence and Courage

not be afraid to take responsibility

and to respect my buddies

When my friend is a Leader,

I will respect him

support him and watch his back.

Together, we shall form a Brotherhood

which will last a lifetime!