Full Scout Uniform (FSU)

* Pictures taken from "THE SCOUT HANDBOOK" by Lai Chan Hong, freeman

1. Scout Beret with Scout Crest and beret backing
2. Scout Scarf
3. Scout Woggle
4. Scout Epaulettes
4. Scout Shirt (Top)
5. Scout Pants (Bottom)
6. Scout Belt
7. Scout Socks
8. Foot-drill Boots/ Black Shoes

- Seasoned Scout Beret
- Scout Scarf 2 folds above and 3 folds below woggle (Does not apply for Venture Scouts)
- Scout symbol on woggle to be facing outwards
- Scout Epaulettes with thinner width closer towards neck
- Scout Shirt (Top) tucked in
- Scout crest on Scout socks to be facing outwards


Half Uniform

1. Scout Beret with Scout Crest and beret backing
2. Scout Scarf
3. Scout Woggle
4. Unit T-Shirt
5. Scout Pants
6. Scout Belt
7. Scout Socks
8. Foot-drill Boots/ Black Shoes

- Scout Scarf 2 folds above, 3 folds below woggle (Does not apply for Venture Scouts)
- Scout symbol on woggle to be facing outwards
- Unit T-Shirt to be tucked in
- Scout crest on Scout socks to be facing outwards


1. Unit T-Shirt
2. MSHS PE Shorts
3. Scout Socks
4. Black Shoes

-  Unit T-Shirt to be tucked in

-  Scout crest on Scout socks to be facing outwards 


PE Attire

1. MSHS PE Singlet
2. MSHS PE Shorts

3. Scout Socks
4. Black Shoes

- MSHS PE Singlet to be tucked in
- Scout crest on Scout socks to be facing outwards 


Preventing Fadding Scout Woggle

Use transparent nail polish and apply 1 layer on the golden crest area. Wait for the layer to dry and apply another to 2-3 layers. Apply nail polish around every 6 months as the nail polish will start to fade by then. 

Seasoning Scout Beret

Fold beret (refer to picutre) and leave it under your bed/ heavy books.

Polishing foot-drill boots 

Use a cloth and wrap it around your finger. Dap it with water and polish and start rubbing the surface in a small circular motion until it shines. Do not use excessive amount of water and polish. Once the first layer is applied, leave it to dry and apply more layers for a shinier finish.

Loose Threads

Cut away all loose threads on FSU(e.g. from Beret, badges)

Note: Download the Scouts app or visit for more information

Please take note that the information above might be updated in the future